Tone up with Startup Incubator!

Our startups at Tehnopol are in better bikini startup shape than ever. First half of 2018 has been full of hard work. However, compared to the Estonian beach weather that arrives overnight, our startups have earned their successes fair and share and were righteously expecting good results.

Thus the legendary hockey sticks that we handed out to Guestjoy, Autolevi, and WebARX as a graduation gift from Startup Incubator, are only one indicator of their successful start. Next to our key mentors who have acknowledged these three startups, we are confident that they will all do well in the global market. For instance, Guestjoy, whose mobile concierce service is now used in more than 15 European countries, was also recognized as the best up-and-coming startup by Estonian Business Angels Network. Backed by the United Angels VC, Guestjoy raised altogether 340k.

With 560,000€, secured an investment with a similar magnitude. This is a positive push towards developing even further their predictive AI that allows patients with heart condition predict heart failure with precision of five minutes.

Award-winning startups

Entering the local InnoEnergy PowerUp! competition, Zubax Robotics was definitely confident about their idea and its’ originality, but in a fierce competition it is also the public presentation that matters. This is why the whole Tehnopol team, among others, was vouching for Pavel Kirienko both in Tallinn and Prague. That’s why we were probably as happy as team Zubax when they won both competitions: on the final event in Prague team Zubax was awarded with 30,000 euros and an opportunity to go to the InnoEnergy Highway Accelerator, that supports startups with an additional 150k investment.

How does Pavel Kirienko, founder of Zubax, reflect back on the recent success?

“Winning the competition is truly a motivating surprise, although we knew already that our idea is good and the device has a lot of potential. Participating in the PowerUp! competition seemed very important since the competition helps startups grow and  supports innovative ideas and teams. We will invest the prize money to product development to help Zubax reach that next level in the market competition.”

Our FoodDocs won “Ajujaht”

On a local level, another startup – FoodDocs – won the Estonian version of “Shark Tank”, namely the TV-show called “Ajujaht“. With a simple but very necessary service that makes every food processing company or organisation’s life much easier, their digitalized food safety plan will avoid a lot of errors and paper smudging.

Where the good wind blows?

However, we don’t let only our startups to compete and will make sure that they get primo trainings and workshops here at Startup Incubator. That’s why we will launch “Tehnopol Startup Bootcamp” for 20-30 best performing startups and bring international sales and marketing superstars to Estonia to share their best tips and tricks for international growth. We value team spirit and good head start is part of the support that we provide – let it come from the best!

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