Startup Hub: Poland Prize late summer ’19

If you are a startup from Industry 4.0, IoT, 5G, AI, or Cybersec, why shouldn’t you expand to Poland? Startup HUB Poland is giving you multinational corporate partners to work with, free soft-landing and up to EUR 40K grant money!
The last one this year has such a rich offer:
- Soft landing in mid-August reimbursed up to EUR 2,000
- Mentoring, tech and business advisory support of EUR 9,000
- Non-equity cash prizes up to EUR 50,000 for your newly incorporated startup in Pl
- Close relations building with top seed/VC/corporate partners
- Free co-working space in Astoria Business Link (city centre) for 3 months
- Access to the biggest and fastest growing market in Europe (there are 38M of us for start!)
- Media coverage for your startup (in Poland and abroad)
- Splendour and visibility of being among the best startups in 2019
*** A chance to meet other ingenious, ambitious disruptors like yourself! ***
Go for it! By July 12th apply for the last #PolandPrize here!