Startup Academy #2: It all starts with one-sentence pitch

Startup Academy‘s second workshop was held in the middle of October when Daniel Paz gave our young and upcoming startups a sales and business development focused workshop. Next to that, startups met Paz over 1-1 office hours to get personal feedback to their team and sales strategy.


Overall, Paz was positively surprised of the good quality and motivated teams who are part of the Academy. With over 15 years of experience working in and with startups, he has seen hundreds of startups and has his own experience from being a founder, CFO, CSO, and CMO.

Using some of his knowledge and tools from Amazon Web Services (AWS), Paz narrowed down the Academy’s first batch teams to one sentence pitch. Every startup should be able to summarize their core idea to one sentence, he expained. However, it’s not only important to mention who you are and what you are doing but add your very own ‘secret sauce’ – something that is unique about you.


Secret sauce of Estonian startups

As a general feedback, Paz mentioned that early-stage teams who are still in team building phase should look for professionals in the field that they’re missing. Whether it’s marketing, sales, or tech development, they should not be afraid to outsource if it, in given time, is the best solution.


Highlights of the day

(Full gallery available in Facebook)


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