Startup Academy #1: Growth Hacking

You can quite certainly call your app or platform successful once people start to associate a certain action with it. However, for many companies, building a product such as most used search platform takes time – years – and most startups don’t have that time in their hands.
Smart tricks and hacks are crucial for growing your customer base or finding new and clever ways of becoming the next big fish in the ocean.
In startup world, this growth is achieved with the help of modern-day pirates who know the true meaning behind “AARRR!”
Dominik A. Meyer (Austria) from Hackabu and theGrowthbase is one of these guys. On 11 September, he will open Startup Academy and leads the first growth hacking themed workshop. He will not only talk about pirates, traction channels and tools but will also show how to use them.
Participanting startups will define their KPIs along the pirate funnel, find traction channels, and write some experiments. Most growth-savvy participants can even build their own chatbot.
This will only be the beginning of Startup Academy – new development programme at Tehnopol.
Apply before 20 August to join the first batch of startuppers who are serious about growing global. Sign up here or share it in Facebook with your fellow startupper!
#startupacademy #growthhacking #startupincubator #tehnopol