Apply to Prototron program before 15 October!

Equity-free fund Prototron gives up to 35 000€ for building prototypes of gadgets and inventions that would make our daily lives better. The aim of Prototron is to encourage smart and entrepreneurial-minded individuals through a cash injection for carrying out their ideas, turning them into tangible prototypes and into a major business.
Ideas submitted by 15 October are evaluated by assessors of Prototron, who provide feedback to participants and select 40 best teams that will go through a one-day seminar. By submitted two-pagers best 20 teams will be offered personalized mentoring for preparation of their ideas to the final presentation. 10 best teams selected by mentors will get an opportunity to pitch their ideas to Prototron Expert Committee, and the best of those will receive up to 35,000 € financing and 6 months of Tehnopol incubator services. Lingvist, CoModule, Feelingstream, Lumebot – these are only a tiny part of well-renowned companies whom Prototron helped to have a jumpstart at their businesses.
Applyuntil the 15th of October 2019 here: