One idea is all it takes!

The coolest kids hang out in the backyard .. backyard of Tallinn that is also known as the Tehnopol campus. While others start with their internships, we have another, much better, proposal and opportunity that is up for grabs.

Namely, find a co-founder and create something new. A startup! Co-founders are the hottest titles in today’s market and it’s even better when your startup has some (street) credit to show.

Why start with the startupping business now, in the summer, when there are so many other opportunities?

  1. Get leverage
    By the time everyone discovers that it’s late August and it’s time to sharpen their pencils, you and your team are already polishing your business plan or creating your first MVP.
  2. Create tomorrow’s world today
    “This was one night I did not sleep!” – even the lady from the *wiggles* video knows that passion is the key factor of doing something … meaningful. On average, it takes 3* social nights with drinks and good company to come up with a good business idea, and after that we welcome you to Tehnopol Startup Incubator to develop the idea further.
  3. Meet and mingle
    Startupping brings you the actual opportunities. Remember those Hollywood movies when a group bonds over shared experiences? Well, building a startup is exactly like that.

Why should you do it in Tehnopol? Here are TWO explanations:

  1. On average, 9 out of 10 startups fail, but Tehnopol Startup Incubator‘s success rate is over 60%. Good karma is definitely around!
  2. TUT and Tehnopol share the same campus that has many possibilities for working and leisure time. You can move your office to the rooftop of Akadeemia tee 21/6 or meet and mingle at various events – all happening in the campus.


And here’s a cookie for you already: as fall kicks in, there are already three announced deadlines for multiple programs that can boost your startup to the next level. If you:

  1. have an innovative idea how to live smarter and boost your life with clean tech, apply to Smartup Accelerator (15.09);
  2. lack the resources to build your prototype, apply to Prototron (15.10);
  3. want to make space your business, apply to ESA BIC Estonia (08.11).

Think eternal fame (and ¥€$ – cash, too!) and glory that follows.

PS: If you actually got to the end of this article and still didn’t apply, then you’ll get a karma point for being thorough. But you should still do it, because you definitely have it in you!


3* – is the subjectively proven result of a good weekend spent in Tallinn, when you experience the science of threes, probably at the Bermuda triangle in Tallinn Old Town.

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