Next Estonian unicorn comes from Startup Academy! ✌️

As startupping is a form of art where success derives from a series of failures, it is difficult to teach it to anyone. But other’s experience and knowledge might lead you to the right direction, thus we have decided to launch Startup Academy at Tehnopol.
This is a new type of academy, where masterclass-like workshops are delivered from world-class experts. How can we be sure of that? Firstly, we believe in preparation and with the 15 years of experience, Tehnopol has surely developed good indicators to value genuine wisdom and avoid empty words.
We have developed the Startup Academy course based on various studies* and the first batch will get a comprehensive overview of how to successfully hack your growth, develop next level marketing campaigns, and expand to foreign markets.
The Academy will be launched on 11 September when Dominik Meyer (Austria) from Hackabu and the Growthbase will dig in to one of the hottest topic of today: growth hacking. He is both a practitioner and a teacher, and specializing in data analysis, tracking and Facebook marketing, at Hackabu he and his team are building Europe’s greatest Growth Hacking company.
As we focus on quality, not quantity, we will offer 20 spots for the startups who will apply to the Academy before 20 August. Secure your seat and submit your application today!
The 20 participating startups will get full access to the whole programme, as next workshops will take place in every five weeks starting September. Not only will we support building a dynamic group, but support the startups and facilitate meaningful new contacts along the way.
Pretty cool, right!
* For all the cool future 🦄🦄, here’s an overview of various studies and articles listing strenghts and weaknesses of Estonian startups from the recent two years:
- Muller, P., Julius, J., Herr, D., Koch, L., Peycheva, V., McKiernan, S. (2017). Annual Report on European SMEs 2016/2017. Focus on self-employment. Final Report. European Commission.
- Sillavee, S. (2018). How Estonian startups rocked Estonia and the whole world in 2017. Startup Estonia. URL:
- Startup Estonia. (2018). Funding, Failures & Exits of Estonian Tech Startups 2006-2017 #EstonianMafia. URL:
- Startup Genome. (2017). Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2017. Startup Genome LLC. URL:
- Viires, I. (2017). Eesti start-up ettevõtete riskikapitali kaasamise tulemuslikkuse mõjurid. Bakalaureusetöö. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituut.