5 reasons why you should apply to Startup Incubator

The first round of the renewed growth program is in full swing, and already on July 1, the last workshop will take place, where we will learn pitching! Also, we are looking for the startups to apply to the second batch, which will start in September – just fill out a short application here. If you are still hesitant, whether to apply or not, read the article why you should apply for the Startup Incubator.

  1. Mentors pool

We are cooperating with such fierce mentors, who, with their long-term experience and knowledge, contribute to the startup journey at every step. Each startup gets its own key mentor, who they can turn to at any time for any questions. See and meet the mentors here.

2. Workshops

The incubator offers 6 practical and exclusive training days from experts in their field, who discuss important topics from what each founder needs to know to what it would be good to know to reach the company’s goals faster and more efficiently.

3. Inspiring work environment

In Tehnopol Startup Incubator, two open offices, soundproof speech boxes, cozy meeting rooms and a kitchen area are waiting for you – everything you need to spend your working day comfortably and productively.

4. Opportunity to get international attention

The goal of the Tehnopol Startup Incubator is to help technology-based startups develop and expand to other countries as well. We work with a number of international organizations, with whom we carry out exciting projects, which help us to achieve this goal through valuable contacts, events and prize funds from the bigger events. Check out the projects here.

5. Friendly team

6 super awesome, startup-minded and motivated women work at the Startup Incubator, who organize all of the above and do everything to make it good to be in the incubator. We look forward to seeing you!

Read about the updated growth program here or watch the video that the head of the Startup Incubator Kadri Tammai tells you about the growth program

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